Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Poster (Part II)

I really like the last line I said in my PSA, "No one should have to struggle for a voice." It does a good job of explaining why my topic is important and should be heard. I also like the first picture I showed in my PSA, the girl with tape over her mouth. I think it gives a better portrayal of how people that can't speak feel. I decided to combine both of these things in my poster. I found some pictures of people that are very different but all look sad. I edited the pictures to make it look like they all had tape over their mouths, showing their inability to speak. The statement I liked in my PSA became the headline for my poster. I really like the font I found for this project. It's a more eroded and messy version of Times New Roman and I think it fits well with the topic. I had fun making this poster and I'm excited to see it printed out.

The Poster

Along with a PSA that goes with our capstone project, we also have to create a movie-style poster that sums up what we're doing. I think it's going to be a bit trickier than the PSA because with a poster, the audience relies mostly on images and graphics to tell them what it's about. If a poster has too much wording then the viewers will lose interest. Another requirement our instructor gave is that we can't use a regular font for the text we put in. It took me a while to decide what I wanted to do for the poster, but I finally figured I want to elaborate on some things I mention in my PSA.

The PSA (Part II)

It took a while but I finally finished my PSA. I talked about how people with communication disorders deserve a SGD that isn't more of a hindrance than a help. Most SGDs are bulky and expensive, and they often have system failures that discourage users. In my PSA I briefly explained how an app can be a better replacement for regular SGDs. I used a lot of pictures to illustrate the message I was trying to convey. For example, I start off with the statement, "Imagine not being able to speak." I chose a  picture of a young girl with tape over her mouth to show as this is heard. Originally, I hadn't planned to put any background music in the PSA but as I watched it over and over again, I realized it was missing something. I really like the way piano sounds, so I thought a piano version of a slow song would work well with my topic. I decided on a slow piano version of The Beatles' "Let it Be." I'm really happy at how my PSA turned out and I can't wait to show it off to people.


So as part of our capstone project, we have to make a public service announcement (PSA) that explains the issue we are trying to solve. First we have to write out and record the speech that will play in the background. We don't have to use video if we don't want to so it's easier to just find pictures related to what we were explaining. The really tricky part was getting it to be exactly 30 seconds. It took a while but I finally got a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do. I decided to focus on the people who depend on SGDs and how important this topic is to them.