Thursday, February 23, 2012

The PSA (Part II)

It took a while but I finally finished my PSA. I talked about how people with communication disorders deserve a SGD that isn't more of a hindrance than a help. Most SGDs are bulky and expensive, and they often have system failures that discourage users. In my PSA I briefly explained how an app can be a better replacement for regular SGDs. I used a lot of pictures to illustrate the message I was trying to convey. For example, I start off with the statement, "Imagine not being able to speak." I chose a  picture of a young girl with tape over her mouth to show as this is heard. Originally, I hadn't planned to put any background music in the PSA but as I watched it over and over again, I realized it was missing something. I really like the way piano sounds, so I thought a piano version of a slow song would work well with my topic. I decided on a slow piano version of The Beatles' "Let it Be." I'm really happy at how my PSA turned out and I can't wait to show it off to people.

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